How long does my unit take?

All units are custom made and colored from scratch if required. All wigs take 12-15 business days to be perfected.

How long is Shipping?

USPS priority shipping is used and it takes 3 business days to deliver. All orders have been delivered in 3 days but please also note COVID might cause some impacts

How long will my hair last?

Raw Indonesian Hair will last 3 or more year with proper maintenance.

Does my hair come styled as seen on the website?

Yes every unit is custom made. This means the knots on the lace is bleached, the closure/frontal is plucked, the hair is styled to selected or desired look.

What are the services I get when I bring my own bundles?

When you bring your own bundles, your lace closure/frontal is plucked, the knots on your lace closure/frontal is bleached, your bundles and closure/frontal is made into a wig and it is styled/colored to your selected look.

How is my wig constructed

All wigs are made with a machine, wefts are cut the right way at the end.